Friday, October 29, 2010

Leia's Belt and My Snooze Alarm

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . having a bunch of people recognize me as Princess Leia at the ward Trunk-or-Treat activity. My white dress and braided, non-cinnamon bun hair didn't really look much like Leia's, but somehow the belt I made out of posterboard, paper, and foil allowed people to identify me instantly. Funny--they probably never took a close look at Leia's belt in their lives (I sure didn't until I tried to replicate it), but somehow they just knew who it belonged to. :)

. . . seeing a few of the kids from the ward donate some of their treats for our troops. You can donate candy to Operation Gratitude, and they will ship it to US troops overseas who really appreciate the sweet reminders of home and holidays. I was proud of the kids for sharing their bounty.

. . . Joy agreeing to let me sleep ten extra minutes this morning.

Not-so-favorite moment:

. . . Joy watching me like a vulture as the ten minutes ticked away, then dogpiling me when the time was up. Mmmph.

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