Saturday, December 18, 2010

Elvis and Yoda

Today's not-so-favorite moments included:

. . . spending hours cooking a delicious dinner, only to wind up eating it by myself because the kids ate s'mores for dinner (don't ask) and Phillip was occupied entertaining Daniel who has been stir-crazy because of the rain outside. Sigh.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . singing Christmas carols to the kids at bedtime.

And another thing . . .

. . . you learn some very interesting things from the internet. For example, when I was shopping for tree toppers on, Joy asked to look at the 11" Lighted Elvis Presley Star Christmas Tree Topper, and we learned that customers who bought related items also bought strings of plastic Yoda Christmas lights. We also learned that sells ornaments, garlands, and pepper spray. Who'd have thought?

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