Saturday, September 24, 2011

Equinoctial Cuddles

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . breaking up kid fights, especially when I don't know who started it.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . holding Anna close while she's in cuddle mode (which is most of the time) and there are no distractions. It's like watching a sunset or eating a bowl of ice cream--life is just simple and good.

. . . trying a simple banana smoothie recipe that I found on (of all places) The Weather Channel website.

. . . celebrating the autumnal equinox by baking pumpkin cookies with Joy.

. . . using the words "autumnal" and "equinoctial" in a blog post.

. . . finally sifting through most of the clutter on my desk. I still have a few piles left, but they're smaller, and at least now I know what's in them.

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