Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Tree House and Inspiration

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . starting the first Magic Tree House book with four-year-old Daniel this evening.  It's his first chapter book, and when I showed it to him he wasn't initially keen to try it, but I persuaded him to let me read a chapter and we ended up reading two.  He would have gladly listened to more, but it was bedtime.  I'm sure we'll be reading the rest in the days to come, though.  Big Sister Joy's already a fan of the series--we checked out three at the library today, and she had read all of them within an hour.  They're obviously a bit below her reading level, but she enjoys them so much that she reads her favorites several times.

. . . hearing uplifting talks at the worldwide Relief Society broadcast this evening.  I prayed for the Lord to teach me what I needed to learn, and during the talks I had several ideas about how to help one of my kids who seems to need extra TLC these days.

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