Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chicken, Jello, and Brothers

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . kissing baby cheeks.

. . . watching Anna run up to Daddy and give him a hug when he got home.

. . . all three of my spoon-wielding children eating chicken of their own free will tonight.  Either that is a very kid-friendly recipe, or their tastes are maturing.  Regardless, it warms my heart to see my whole family enjoying the meal I created.

. . . watching Daniel make his little brother Todd smile.  Back when I was expecting, I lamented that Little Brother wouldn't be big enough to really play with Big Brother for another two or three years.  The boys proved me wrong.

. . . reading Stephanie Nielson's memoir Heaven is Here.  It makes me feel grateful for some many things, especially a body that can do everything I need it to (without pain).

And another thing . . .

. . . Phillip loved having Jello served as a side dish when he was a kid, and lately he's been urging me to serve some with dinner sometime.  The idea struck me as odd (it seems more dessertish to me, and my mom only made Jello for us when we were sick), but I love my husband so I served a bowl of strawberry Jello with our chicken, orzo, and carrots tonight.  My family (myself included) polished off every bite of it, so I foresee more Jello in our future.  It's yummy, and I suppose I should be grateful that I can thrill my family with something so simple and easy, but I just can't shake the feeling that Jello isn't real food.

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