Saturday, August 30, 2014

Happy Birthday Girl, Unhappy Photographer

The past few days . . .

. . . my not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . spending a bunch of time cleaning, then looking around and realizing my home still looks messy.  Sigh.

. . .  accidentally erasing a bunch of photos off my camera.  My anguished cries scared poor Baby Todd, but the camera was unmoved.  My tech savvy husband even tried to recover them, but alas, to no avail.

. . . my favorite moments included . . .

. . . my techie husband recovering my lost photos tonight

. . . playing Sink or Swim with Daniel. He trounced me, and I didn't mind a bit.

. . . Aunt Lara coming to visit, and telling us about her college experience in England.

. . . relaxing on a blanket out front with Todd.

. . . Anna grinning wide as we sang happy birthday to her.

. . . Phillip making a vanilla malt and sharing half with me.

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