Sunday, February 11, 2007

Quote of the Day - Joy

"Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls." - Mother Teresa

It's true - the people I most enjoy being around are those who are happy, friendly, and at peace with life. It isn't that their existence is trouble free - no one's is. Everyone's life is a mixed bag of blessings and problems, and your attitude depends on which of the two you focus on.

I've also heard that the main cause of unhappiness is the mistaken belief that tribulation is the exception in life, rather than rule. We think things will be better as soon as we solve all our problems, but stresses and setbacks are an inevitable part of each day we live. Fortunately, there always sweet and beautiful moments, too. My baby daughter fussed and cried several times today, but she also smiled a lot. I'd rather remember the smiles.

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