Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blog Purpose, Refined

This post will be short - Baby's due to get up soon, but I haven't posted in a few days and I wanted to get this thought written down, however briefly.

This morning over breakfast I was reading an article in BYU magazine about refinement. The author, Elder Douglas L. Callister, states his belief that God and all heavenly beings are completely refined - not snooty, but taking great pleasure in beautiful things. Callister then discusses several aspects of refinement and what the prophets have said about them.

The section about language particularly resonated with me. As I read about how Elder Callister enjoys inspiring and uplifting conversation, I realized that is exactly what I want this blog to be. I find I am most motivated to write when I've come across interesting or uplifting ideas, because I want to share them to inspire you and lift your spirits. What's more, the process of exploring these ideas makes them more permanently a part of me.

I hope this blog brightens your day now and then. It certainly helps me look for and remember the good in the world.

1 comment:

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Wow. See, that's a good point. And it makes me want to be better at doing that when I blog.