Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Quote of the Day - "Busy"

"We’re all busy. Meditating monks in their cells are busy. That’s adult life, filled to the ceiling with things that need doing. (It seems only children and the elderly aren’t plagued by lack of time—and notice how they enjoy their books, how their lives fill their eyes.)" -- Yann Martel

A couple posts back I referred to Mr. Martel's plan to send the Canadian Prime Minister a book and a letter every two weeks. As I read the letter enclosed with the first book, I was struck by the above quote because it so precisely reflects my current stage in life.

I am endlessly busy. If I had five extra hours in each day, I still wouldn't get everything done. Even when I take time for some leisure activity, I do it at a frantic pace because I know it'll be time to return to the grind before I know it. And smack dab in the middle of my crazy life is a little person who is "accomplishing" a lot less and enjoying herself a lot more. Joy takes pleasure in simple things, and she's more interested in enjoying her journey than in getting through it as fast as possible.

Whether she'll continue to enjoy it probably depends a lot on me. As I rush to get everything done, I keep reminding myself to slow down, savor our time together, and nurture her sense of wonder. The dishes, the laundry, and my perpetual quest to tidy up our apartment ultimately won't matter nearly as much as the playtime I spend with her. And perhaps as I encourage her to drink deeply from the cup of life, I'll remember to do more than take an occasional, hurried sip.


Jodi Jean said...

life *is* busy. it's amazing how much more busy you get once you have kids, and how much harder they make things that used to be simpler. i try to remind myself that the dishes can wait and to savor the smiles from aidan. they grow up soooo fast. enjoy the moments, and i'm telling you that soup is FAST and sooo easy and delicious. you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

You weren't kidding - the soup was tasty. Good to know for busy night, since I always have the ingredients on hand anyway.

Unfortunately, you're not kidding about complications and the phenomenally fast growth of children, either. Before I know it, Joy will have a sibling or two, and things will get exponentially crazier.

Bring it on. :)