Saturday, February 2, 2008

God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again

This morning Phillip and I watched a broadcast of President Hinckley's funeral. It was a sweet remembrance of a kind, optimistic, and genuinely good man. I loved hearing sacred memories and sweet moments from throughout his life. I think President Hinckley’s governing philosophy can be summed up in two favorite phrases that President Eyring mentioned: “Things will work out” and “The best is yet to come.” They weren’t just idle words or wishful thinking. He knew better than anyone the challenges and sorrows of our modern world, but he always focused on the many people who rise above them.

I became misty-eyed a few times during the eulogies, but I never really cried until the final musical number. The song “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need” is a favorite of mine, and as the choir sang, pictures and video clips from the Prophet’s life appeared on the screen. One of the pictures was of the First Presidency a few years ago, and when I saw the late President Faust in the background I just broke down and cried. I think it was at that moment that I finally realized President Hinckley is gone.

I’ve seen so many pictures and clips of him lately that it almost seems like he’s still with us. When I saw that old photo, though, it struck me that just as dear President Faust’s chair was left empty and then filled by someone else, there will be a different person in President Hinckley’s chair next General Conference. I’ll never again hear the warmth in his voice, or see him emphasize another point with that characteristic wave of his hand. Not in this life, anyway.

I speak of loss and things I’ll miss, yet my tears weren’t really sad ones. I mainly felt deep love for the Prophet, gratitude to have known him, and—far in the background—regret that I won’t be seeing him again for a very long time.

One year ago . . . French Fries and Sharks


Caitlin said...

I have to admit, I wasn't too sad when I heard of Pres. Hinckley's passing. I felt more relieved than anything, especially now that he has been reunited with his sweet wife. It wasn't until that last musical number with the video montage that I really lost it. I mean tears streaming down my face. I am glad to know that segment touched others the way it touched me.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Interesting that our experience was so similar.

Desmama said...

I stayed pretty dry-eyed until that last number too, and the music was so beautiful and the footage of him was so moving . . . I couldn't help it. Tears, tears everywhere. There's a bit of an ache in my heart still.

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Things will work out. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I guess when you live to be 96 you realize that most things are just small bumps in a long road, not potholes in the driveway.