Sunday, January 11, 2009

If Ye Love Me, Eat My Pancakes

I love my husband for many, many reasons. One of them is that he supports my hobby/creative outlet/obsession for trying new recipes. Occasionally I make something for dinner that we've actually had before and know we'll like, but for some reason I feel much more motivated to try out new recipes. I don't like cooking for just myself, though, so I am deeply grateful for a husband who's willing to sample whatever I put in front of him each night.

Today was a case in point. A while back I found a recipe for cornmeal pancakes with chunks of cooked ham in them. The concept intrigued me, but when I mentioned it to Phillip he looked at me as if I were absolutely daft. "You want to put WHAT into perfectly good pancake batter?" Ham. "That sounds like it would taste really strange." Who knows--we might like it. "Maybe . . ."

I happened to have some cooked ham on hand this weekend, and I decided that today was the day to try the pancake recipe. This afternoon when we got home from church, Phillip started looking through the fridge for lunch prospects and I asked if he was in the mood to sample those ham pancakes I'd mentioned. He slowly looked up from the twice-baked potato he'd been hungrily eying and said, "Sure, we can try them."

I whipped up the batter, cooked the pancakes, and . . . they were pretty good but nothing to write home about. I probably won't make them again, but even though this recipe didn't end up being a keeper, it did provide a welcome reminder how lucky I am to have a husband who supports the hobby that matters so much to me. He thought the recipe sounded weird, and he ended up being right, but he still ate some of it with me.

Thank you, sweetheart. I love you.


Suko said...

This seems more like a love letter to your husband than a post for public reading. Nevertheless, I'm not content to be just a lurker (person who reads a post and doesn't comment, in case you aren't familiar with the term)and will leave a comment.
I am also sometimes tempted to try out the oddest recipes--for this I have no real explanation. What I like about your story is that you use an episode in your marriage to demonstrate the kind of quiet love and affection that sustains a marriage.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Suko. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Autumn said...

I got a good laugh out of that one.