Thursday, October 25, 2012

Maypole and Mixed Up Holidays

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . feeling a little overwhelmed by all the things I need to do in the next week.

. . . seeing tons of Christmas decor and gifts in a department store already.  It's simultaneously beguiling and annoying.  I love Christmas, and it's tempting to get a head start on gift purchases, but for crying out loud, let me enjoy Halloween and Thanksgiving first! 

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . feeling like my body is finally back to normal.  I took it easy on my stomach yesterday, which probably helped.  Joy's glad I'm feeling better, too.  Yesterday she drew a picture of me with a frowny face because I've been sick this week.

And another thing . . .

. . . on the way home from school we passed lots of houses with Halloween decorations, then came upon a few homes with Christmas decorations instead of the usual spiderwebs and gravestones.  Apparently  a crew was filming something Christmasy on that block.  They're probably the same crew that sprayed snow around the library yesterday and built a snowman.

. . . before Daddy got home, Joy asked if she, Daniel, and I could play Duck, Duck, Goose.  Playing with just three people is a little challenging, especially when the kindergartener decides to bend the rules.  At one point she tagged Daniel, ran around the "circle," and kept right on going past the spot where she was supposed to sit down.  She and Daniel ran around me so many times that I lost count.  I felt like a mildly amused maypole.

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