Saturday, March 8, 2014

Stormtroopers, a Duet, and Glue

Lately . . .

. . . my not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . .  uttering the words, "Please never use glue on the couch again."

. . . calling 8 or 9 people to ask for help with something at church tomorrow, and having no one answer their phones.  Perhaps a satellite is out???

. . . always feeling really, really tired.  Ask me how I feel about losing yet another hour of sleep to Daylight Savings Time tonight.  Or what I think about Daylight Savings Time in general. On second thought, don't.

. . . my favorite moments included . . .

. . . seeing lots of cherry tomatoes on my plant outside.  What can I say?  It's been a warm winter here.

. . . Anna saying, "Good job!" every time I correctly identified a letter of the alphabet.

. . . playing a little piano duet with my daughter Joy today.  We messed up a bunch, but it was still fun.

. . . snuggling my sweet baby.

. . . finally finding an answer to that burning question: "Why were the stormtroopers on the Death Star so miserably incompetent?"

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