Friday, November 9, 2007

Cold, Hard Facts

My baby is finally starting to get over her cold. This one was a doozy - high fever, nursing strike, sleep deprivation (for both parents and baby), you name it. Still, at least I can say I learned a few things. Here are my hard-won lessons (for the information of fellow rookies, and the amusement of veterans):

1) Tylenol (available in drops for infants) is very effective at reducing fever. Maybe the rest of the planet already knew that, but I had to have a doctor tell me. Administer 15mg (or .15mL) per kilo of Baby's weight (1 kilo = 2.2 pounds).

2) It's also helpful to strip a feverish baby down to her diaper (and maybe a light shirt) in a room heated (or cooled) to about 70 degrees. Surprisingly, a cold bath is NOT a good idea, because it causes the body's heating system to kick in and can actually make a feverish baby even warmer.

3) If you're worried about dehydration, it's better to give Pedialyte or Gatorade than water all the time. First of all, they supply needed electrolytes which would be diluted if Baby got nothing but water all day. Second, since they're sweet she'll be more likely to accept them if she's shown little interest in food or drink. If severe dehydration isn't a concern yet but she's not eating or drinking much, it still might be better to offer juice than water because it has some needed carbs and vitamins, and again, the sweetness may make her more willing to drink it.

4) If Baby refuses to nurse (perhaps because her nose is stuffed), you can pump milk and sneak some into her apple juice so she's still getting the health benefits of nursing.

5) If your OCD nose-wiping makes Baby cry, sometimes it's just better to let it run.

6) If you keep wiping anyway, she may eventually just get used to it and not mind anymore.

7) This too shall pass!!! (Hard to remember at 3:00am, but true nonetheless.)


Caitlin said...

It's funny to hear you say that about the Tylenol. I too didn't think about using it until a Dr. recommended it to me. It was such a "duh" moment. When I did finally use it, I was surprised how effective it was. It is so effective that I could tell the second it wore off and my baby became cranky. I am glad that the Dr. share with you the not so secret Tylenol secret. P.S. Does Joy drink the Pedialyte(sp?)?

Jodi Jean said...

i'm glad that is has finally started to pass. hopefully she's gotten over the nursing stike. aidan has gone through those a couple of times.

yes, we love baby tylenol in our house. but it's good to know that about the bath. we've never tried it and its good to know not to. and pedialyte is good to know ... is that better that formula if they wont nurse?

i, too, am ocd about runny noses ... aidan used to scream when i would suction out his nose or wipe it, now he knows thats just what mommy does.

Serena said...

I found having them take a bath with a runny nose helps, and also gets out the dry burgers without the pain. I also give them mormon tea, which is warm milk with vanilla extract and a touch of splenda. I also add cinnamon sometimes. Homemade smoothies help alot too.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Admittedly, Joy wasn't very into Pedialyte, but since she wasn't in much danger we didn't push it. I think the flavor was a bit strong, so if we ever really think she needs some, we'll probably dilute it with some water and/or juice. Better to get a few electrolytes than none at all.

Jodi, I think Pedialyte and formula have different benefits. I think you'd just have to use your judgment about which would be best, though I think pumped milk or formula would be my choice.

The Lind's said...

Oh poor little Joy! I hate when babies are sick. I always feel so helpless! I am glad she is better!!

holly said...

My two cents---always take Tylenol with you whenever you leave home for vacation, big or small. Fevers come so suddenly, and Tylenol is the cure-all at our house.