Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have a confession to make: I'm a sucker for forwarded email surveys. You know, the ones that ask questions like, "Favorite ice cream flavor?" (Anything with chocolate.) "Summer or winter?" (Spring. Ok--winter, if I have to choose. Why the discrimination against seasons that actually have pleasant weather?) I like reading what my friends write, and for some inexplicable reason I enjoy answering them myself.

A friend recently posted a blogging equivalent of these surveys, and tagged me to do the same. So here, for your reading enjoyment:

5 Things I was Doing 10 Years Ago:
1) Trying to figure out whether to switch from an English major to Linguistics.
2) Wishing the cafeteria would serve Beef Tips again instead of radioactive Curry Chicken.
3) Teaching eight girls in my dorm to crochet.
4) Debating whether to serve as a missionionary.
5) Struggling to get a peppermint plant to thrive in a dimly lit dorm room (I'm not great at gardening, but I can't resist trying).

5 Things on my To-Do List:
1) Find time to read for personal enrichment.
2) Review the family budget.
3) Create a weekly exercise plan.
4) Write my personal history.
5) Scrub the shower.

5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire:
1) Pay off our debts (student loans and car).
2) Buy a modest home with a modest yard.
3) Put a big chunk in savings.
4) Make large donations to the LDS Church's Humanitarian Aid, Perpetual Education, and temple building funds.
5) Take a university class each semester. My first class would probably be some British literature course. Or perhaps woodshop.

5 Things I Would Never Wear Again:
1) Big scrunchies.
2) Those clunky snow boots that gave me blisters freshman year. I vowed never to buy shoes from a catalog again.
3) A semi-see-through top that was part of our Women's Chorus uniform in high school. I don't think the director realized how bad they'd be. Of course, she always did like Vocal Ensemble better . . .
4) Humongous earrings.
5) Braces.

5 Favorite Toys:
1) Joy :)
2) Computer
3) Kitchenaid
4) Bookstore gift card
5) Digital camera

5 People to Tag:
1) Snowdragonne
2) STM
3) Serena
4) Nicole
5) Jodi
(No pressure though, folks.)


Lisa said...

Thanks for doing this! I had fun reading your answers. It's good to know you would be such a generous millionaire :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I remember that Women's Ensemble top! You're right, that was pretty bad. You're right about Vocal Ensemble too... :) Do you remember when we did Disney Magic Music Days but our performance was cancelled due to the rain? She said it was because the VE dresses needed to be dry-cleaned, but I couldn't help thinking that I didn't want to participate in a wet shell-shirt contest either!

And I'm with you on these things...I adore answering them myself and I really enjoy reading what others wrote. I will certainly get to this!

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Ooh! I'm so excited. I've never been tagged before. It might take me a couple of days to post. There is an interesting discussion on my blog right now and I'm hoping to get some more comments before I move on. I hope I have something interesting to say.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Ah yes - Disneyland in the rain. Since most people fled the weather, it was kind of fun to get right on all rides, even if we were soaked the whole time.

On reflection, maybe we could have tried performing in the yellow plastic ponchos the park sold that day.

STM, no rush. I'm looking forward to reading your survey whenever you get to it. :)