Friday, April 11, 2008


Have no fear - I haven't given up on this blog. Currently I'm just trying to figure out how to fit it into my busy mom-life, since writing takes more time and mental energy than I ever seem to have available. Until I figure it out, I would at least like to share this little thought from my day.

When Joy got up from her nap this afternoon we headed out the door for our weekly trip to the grocery store. As we walked to the car, I noticed my little daughter grinning in anticipation of our next adventure. I savored the sight of her smile, and the sound of the little quasi-words she loves saying lately. I felt these were sweet memories I want to treasure through eternity. I’m sure it was experiences like these that Elder Ballard had in mind when he encouraged parents to treasure the fun little moments that fly by so fast.


Kerri said...

that was one of my favorite talks, too! I have heard many local mothers also feeling a connection to what he said. I was thinking about it last night as I was wrestling with my boys. It was a great moment when I wasn't thinking about what time it was, what we were having for dinner, or how messy my house was. Moments like that do not come often enough in my life!

Science Teacher Mommy said...

Your posts are always sweet and unexpected. I sometimes look at my little boys when everything is just right at home and I nearly weep for joy and how blessed I am. I've tried to stop stressing so much about the messy house and things undone and just enjoy the moments.