Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm Back

Thanks to everyone for their input and support. It means a lot to me.

As I considered how and whether to continue this blog, I concluded it would serve you and me best as a "way to keep tabs on my thoughts," in n8ma's words. Often I get to thinking that I've had some fine insights lately, but by golly I can't remember them and my journal is so crowded with events and details (I'm a historian, you must recall) that I have no hope of finding them there. I think insights come to us for a reason, and I want to record them in a place where I can find and review them easily. Consequently, I want this blog to be a concise collection of thoughts worth remembering and (hopefully) applying.

To that end, I plan to stop the daily six-word shtick (sorry, STM). While it did remove the pressure of long posts and get me writing more frequently, I think it yielded some substandard posts that distracted from the more meaningful ones. I'd rather just write when I have something worth saying.

So there you have it. Now I'm curious to see how this blog evolves in the coming months . . .


Science Teacher Mommy said...

The word evolves is key in this medium. If you do it long enough it takes on a life of its own. I think mine is finally there.

At least for now.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

"Finally there . . . at least for now."

Yup - that's pretty much where I am, too.

Jodi Jean said...

hehe ... you gotta do what's right for you ... you GO girl!