Friday, August 31, 2012

A Fragrant Stroll and Book Number Two

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . potty training.  We'll leave it at that.

. . . feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number and scope of things I'm not getting around to.  It happens every week or two or three; I'll probably feel better in the morning.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . .  Anna cooing, "Mama."  Yes, she did indeed coo.  I'm not sure if she was talking about me or just having  fun making bilabial nasal sounds, but either way, it was heartwarming.

. . . sharing a green smoothie with Daniel this morning.  Joy recently announced that she doesn't like anything that comes out of the blender these days (green or otherwise), so I find myself making lots of green smoothies while she's at school and sharing them with Little Man.  Now that Anna can drink out of a cup, she enjoys some, too.  Bonding over semi-frozen spinachy beverages--gotta love it.

. . . taking a walk after a rare summer rainstorm.  Every yard smelled different, depending on what was planted there.  I caught myself sniffing people's landscaping like a bloodhound as I walked past.

. . . Joy and me finishing our first chapter book together, whereupon Joy hurried over to the shelf to choose our next one.  That's my girl.

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