Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jigging Duel and the Expert Hider

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . seeing Anna do all sorts of new, "big girl" things every day, like putting things in a box instead of just taking them out, and crawling off to try something new instead of just crying because she's bored.  I'm glad she's growing up, but I'm also glad she still cuddles.

. . . my youngest preschool student finding the absolute awesomest hiding place when we played hide-and-seek this morning.

. . . Anna nearly falling over with excitement after she successfully put a toy in a cup.  Simple pleasures.

. . . reading about Grandma and Uncle George's jigging duel in Little House in the Big Woods.  That and the maple sugar snow are the only things I remember from reading it many, many years ago.

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