Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bitter about a Sweetener

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . .  learning that agave is just as refined as sugar, contains even more calories, and has no real health benefits.  I had thought it might be a nice, healthy sweetener to add to smoothies, but I guess I'll stick to honey.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . looking at Daniel's preschool artwork and seeing that he'd written his whole name himself.

. . . Joy's teacher showing me a picture where Joy was supposed to draw four penguins, and she drew two with four flippers each.  Joy explained that it was because the other two penguins were standing behind the first two.  I thought that was pretty clever.

. . . producing streamlined pollo asado with the pressure cooker, and cooking properly sweet fried plantains because I used one with a brown peel instead of a green one.

. . . chatting with my visiting teachers.

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