Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cinnamon Dunes and Ice Cream Mountains

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . .  getting out of bed this morning and discovering that Anna and gotten hold of the cinnamon-sugar shaker and emptied its contents all over the table and carpet.  At least it wasn't maple syrup, right Cathy?

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . attending an emergency preparedness fair and learning a lot of useful things.  I also got to sample such delicacies as Dutch oven wheat bread and brownies made with mashed beans instead of butter (laugh if you will; I went back for seconds).

. . . watching Michelle Obama demonstrate the jump rope workout routine she uses to stay fit when she's on long trips.  She has impressive rhythm, and it's hard to say which was more entertaining--watching our First Lady jump rope or watching Dr. Oz struggle to keep up with her.

. . . revisiting a recipe I haven't made in a while, and hearing Phillip reminisce to the kids that I made it a lot in the early days of our marriage, and it always reminds him of our time as newlyweds.  I think I'll make that dish more often.

. . . taking a family walk to an old-fashioned ice cream shop, where we shared an enormous banana split.  The dessert was delicious, and we had fun just being out together and trying something new.


Cathy said...

Help. I can't remember the story about maple syrup I seem to have told you. Mommy brain strikes again?

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Didn't one of your children pour maple syrup all over your kitchen floor once?

Cathy said...

I seriously can't remember. Good grief. It could have happened...

Cathy said...

Okay, probably not our family, since Ed also has no recollection of it. But we also both think that we can't totally rule it out.

I can remember a time Morgan turned his plate into a lake of maple syrup that overflowed onto the table His syrup privileges have been limited since then. I can remember a time Theo drew on the kitchen floor, cabinets, and dishwasher with a black sharpie. I flipped out about that one, and am not likely to forget it. But I don't remember maple syrup on the floor.

Cathy said...

Nothing beats my nephew's escapade with the kitchen faucet and adjacent hose (Sink was in an island area in between the kitchen and living room, I think). He stretched the hose extension over to the living room side and let it flow. Damaged the carpeting, pad, and underflooring to the laminate floor because it wasn't discovered quickly enough. He's also an escape artist extraordinaire.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Hmmm. Perhaps I was thinking of the maple syrup lake/plate episode.