Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bread Braids and My New Chair

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . Daniel having a tantrum because I forgot that he likes being the one to turn on the floor lamps.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . tossing a pillow to Daniel and hearing him giggle.

. . . Joy whispering "I love you very much" in my ear.

. . . Phillip loving a soup I made.

. . . baking my favorite bread braids. They look, smell, and taste so good.

. . . using my new desk chair: an exercise ball. For some reason I always sit with lousy posture in regular desk chairs, so I've decided to try an exercise ball because you can't help sitting with proper posture if you want to stay upright. A couple added bonuses: 1) It's easy to do some prego-friendly exercises while I'm working, and 2) the kids love playing with my "chair" when I'm not using it.

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