Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cruella and the Obnoxious Grinder

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . grinding wheat for bread, and opening the bin to find mysterious, black shards scattered throughout the flour. While I was deeply disappointed that the wheat was wasted and my baking plans derailed, I would have been far more upset if I hadn't always hated this grinder, and yearned to replace it. Now that it has apparently self-destructed, I have a very good excuse to use some tax return money on its successor.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . Phillip walking in the door after a late choir rehearsal. I missed him this evening.

. . . I was in charge of teaching Joy's co-op preschool class today, and we were reviewing letters R through V. Among other things I gave the kids some pictures to draw including two that were spelled with four of our letters: the U.S. and a T.V. I left the TV screen blank so they could draw any picture they wanted on it, and Joy chose to color the screen black because she likes the TV off. That's my girl.

And another thing . . .

. . . as we waited for some of the preschool moms to return, one of the girls proposed that we play 101 Dalmations. She asked me to play, too. I asked what she wanted me to do, and she told me to steal the puppies. In other words, I was being cast as Cruella De Ville. Raise your hand if you didn't see that coming.

First off, I asked "Anita" to sell me her puppies. When she refused, Joy suggested I come talk with her about her stuffed cat. Not being familiar with 101's sinister plot, Joy willingly traded me her cat for another toy. She asked what I was going to name the cat, and with a wicked grin I replied, "Mittens." And at that point, the game officially became too morbid for me so we switched to something else.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Good laughs. Mittens, indeed. I would have thought you'd go for the historically accurate catskin waistcoat.