Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Puppies and Cadburies

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . hearing Daniel laugh as Daddy played with him after a very long day at school. They reminded me of a little maxim I heard recently: Work like a dog; play like a puppy.

And another thing . . .

. . . this morning we attended our second egg hunt of the week, this time in connection with a parenting class we attend. Parents were instructed to fill the eggs with healthy snacks or stickers, etc., as opposed to candy. It was a sensible idea, and I won't deny that yesterday's haul of sweets was sugar overkill, but as we opened egg after egg of goldfish crackers and Cheerios at home, I started to feel like something was missing. We eat those things nearly every day, so they didn't feel like a treat to me. The kids didn't seem to mind, but I soon found myself popping Cadbury Mini Eggs just to fill the emotional Easter gap. After the fifth egg I started to wonder if I'd overdone it, but then I noticed that the package states twelve eggs make a single serving. Who am I to argue with the experts?

1 comment:

Cathy said...

We have a tradition of filling them with little plastic animals--the kind one can purchase at the grocery store in a tube. My kids call them "Easter animals", and they expect to find eggs filled with various critters, not candy, on Easter morning.