Sunday, May 20, 2012

Jupiter and Picture Frames

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . selling a bunch of stuff at the annual garage sale in my parents' neighborhood.  As mom put it, people were taking away our junk and paying for the privilege.  They didn't pay much, but at the end of the day if I have more money and less clutter than I did yesterday then I can't complain.

. . . going to lunch with my mom.

. . . hugging Joy.

. . . having a friend visit from out of town.

. . . finally getting a few pictures framed for the kids' room.

. . . watching Anna snooze peacefully in her crib.

. . . listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing "The Iron Rod" arranged to the tune of Holst's Jupiter (one of my favorite songs).  They sang it at the beginning of the October 2005 Sunday afternoon session of General Conference.  Love it.

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