Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . Phillip making Mother's Day French Toast and some banana orange juice.

. . . the Primary kids singing Mother's Day songs in church.  They sang a couple old standbys, then a Mother's Day variation on "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree."  I enjoy the familiar songs, but it was fun to have a little surprise, too.  Joy had learned it so well that she sang it for Pink Grandma when we visited her this evening.

. . . picking and eating apricots off Grandma's tree.

. . . starting my new calling in the Primary.  I can tell it will be a little more chaotic than my previous calling in the Relief Society, but I suspect it will also be a lot more fun.

. . . hearing Joy offer the prayer in Primary.

. . . singing a Mother's Day song to my mom over the phone.

. . . Anna cuddles.

. . . husband hugs.

. . . rubbing Daniel's newly short hair.

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