Sunday, February 26, 2012

Denzel and the Parrots

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . getting tons of things done while Phillip had the big kids up at my parents' cabin.

. . . enjoying the sights as I walked with Anna to run some errands. We saw colorful flowers blooming, noisy parrots nibbling seeds in the trees, little sparrows perched in a tree, and a sliver moon up in the sky.

. . . happening upon an old quote I had written down from a Reader's Digest interview with Denzel Washington. He said that "success is inner peace. That’s a good day for me." I thought about that several times throughout the day, and it did me good. It reminded me to take a deep breath and relax, but it also helped me see what I might be doing to prevent peace (i.e. stressing about something that doesn't matter, or looking for the negative in someone instead of the positive). Doing what's right is the moral thing to do, but it also tends to make us feel better.

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