Friday, March 25, 2011

Shaggy Boy Gets Cold Feet

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . Daniel dunking his leg in a bucket of cold water, then getting fussy because his foot was chilly.

. . . waking up tired yet again, because I stayed up too late yet again. Some people struggle mightily to restrain their spending or their calorie consumption; I have an inexplicably persistent weakness for staying up late. I'm usually doing things that are worthwhile or even necessary, but that's small comfort when I wake up with a groan the next morning.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . buying three baskets of strawberries at the farmers' market, and giving two as gifts to neighbors.

. . . Joy cuddling in my lap and telling me she loves me.

. . . finally getting Daniel's hair cut. He sure looks handsome now that he isn't so shaggy anymore.

And another thing . . .

. . . the zucchini recipe I tried the other day reminds me of Christmas. I think that's because the ginger in it makes me think of gingerbread.

. . . my food aversions (which fortunately have fairly mild this pregnancy) seem to be diminishing as I head into the second trimester. Nevertheless, as dinnertime approached today I just couldn't bear to cook what I'd planned. I baked frozen pizza instead.

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