Monday, March 12, 2012

Birthdays and Miracles

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . spending time with people I love at church, at a returning missionary's open house, and at a family birthday party.

. . . listening to a recently returned missionary talk about her mission, and the way God can do miraculous things in our lives. Sure, He can move mountains, but do you really need any mountains moved today? I don't. We're more likely to need help quitting smoking, keeping our tempers, feeling hope amidst our trials, or paying tithing and buying groceries when there's only enough money to do one of those things. God can help us with all those challenges, if we give Him the chance.

. . . writing birthday cards for my mom and Sean, who celebrate birthdays this week. It was sweet to take some time to think about the things I love about them.

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