Friday, July 20, 2012

Girl Talk and Cheesecake

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . reading a board book to Anna.  She can even turn the pages now.

. . . Red Grandma reading to the big kids.  It was fun to hear her read a couple of my old favorites: Edward and the Pirates and Two of Everything.

. . . meeting some friends at Cheesecake Factory for dessert to celebrate the upcoming arrival of one friend's new baby.  It was a delight to chat the night away while eating unabashedly decadent food.  My food philosophy is to eat fairly healthy food most of the time so I can live it up now and then if I feel like it.

And another thing . . .

. . . when we go grocery shopping, I usually put Daniel in the shopping cart seat and Anna in my Ergo carrier.  Now that Anna's old enough to sit in the cart without toppling over, I've finally started putting her in the seat.  Daniel is more excited about this than anyone else because he loves the freedom of walking whithersoever he desires.  His mom isn't a huge fan of that, though, so I think on long shopping trips he'll still find himself in the cart for at least the next few months.

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