Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pussy Willows and Irrational Ice Cream

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . passing along some unused items to friends who would have a use for them.  I even found someone who wanted those dried pussy willow branches I bought on a whim at Easter and never found a use for.  One man's (or woman's) trash is truly another's treasure.

. . . watching my husband help push a stranded motorist to a gas station.  My hero. :)

. . . spotting a planet up in the sky at dusk.  I don't know which one it was, but it was still cool to see it.

And another thing . . .

. . . making homemade ice cream is hard.

Let me rephrase that--making mediocre homemade ice cream that's icy, has weak flavor, or freezes rock-solid is easy.  Making delicious, creamy ice cream is hard.  My mom has passed along a few good recipes, but most of the ones I find online are disappointing.  And expensive (cream, strawberries, and Nutella aren't cheap).  And the ingredient lists can be scary (a RAW egg? HOW much sugar and heavy whipping cream?).

But for some reason, I just can't resist trying again and again.  Humans are not entirely rational beings.

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