Monday, April 23, 2012

A Goose Egg and 20 Reset Options

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . Daniel crashing and burning as he ran to our car. Before this day, I had only seen goose eggs that big in cartoons.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . finally getting around to posting on my family blog. I try to do it every two or three days, but it's been nearly three weeks this time. I suspect the grandparents were becoming slightly disgruntled.

. . . Joy giving me a hug.

. . . perusing a site with 20 Ways to "Reset" when your kids (and you) get a little grouchy. Lots of good, simple ideas.

. . . seeing Cathy's comments on some previous posts. It was kind of fun to imagine her as a missionary in Guatemala, scheming how to access homes surrounded by razor wire.

And another thing . . .

. . . Vonnie, I recently saw a quote that reminded me of you: "God only lets things grow until they're perfect. Some people take longer than others."


Cathy said...

Oddly enough, your comment made something click. Of course it was being a missionary that made me scheme about how to get into houses. All these years since then I've thought it was a manifestation of latent cat-burglar tendencies. Although I can't rule that out either...

Did Beth and I ever tell you what it was like when we moved into the house on 9th East? We hadn't met either of the roommates who were staying. The landlord gave us a key (I don't think it was Peter at that point). We got there mid-afternoon, moved all of our things into the living room, and waited, feeling uncomfortable about moving things into bedrooms without talking to the resident roommates first. We waited some more. After several hours, we finally thought we needed to make a move on the bedrooms, though we felt like burglars doing it, though strange ones who were bringing things in, not stealthily extracting them. Imagine our shock--and hers!--when the first bedroom we tried had a sleeping, mostly undressed roommate in it. Somehow we got past that shock and became friends anyhow.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Oh my. I hadn't heard that story before.

And of course she became friends with you; who wouldn't? :)

Cathy said...

You know how friendship works (for us anyhow) kind of have to ease into it. I keep feeling like I'm missing out on superb friendships by not having enough free time and being too insular with my family.

On the friendship topic--Jenny (Jones) Webb is in the hospital right now, after being in a car accident Monday. It looks like she will recover but it won't be easy. Her leg is broken in several places and needs another surgery, after a preliminary one to stabilize it. She has a broken nose, broken ribs, bruised lungs, a shoulder injury, and is still making jokes. Keep her in your prayers, okay? I'll let you know how she is doing.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I feel the same way about friendships lately: it has always taken me a while to form them, and I don't feel like I have many opportunities these days because I'm so busy being a mom at home.

To everything there is a season, and I hope there will be another season for making new friendships in my future. For now, I'm very grateful for old ones.

Also, thanks for letting me know about Jenny Webb. How do you know her? We served in the same zone as missionaries, but I didn't realize you had a connection to her as well.

Cathy said...

Jenny's in my ward currently. She is seriously awesome.

Today her husband said she felt well enough to sit up on the side of her hospital bed for five minutes. I'm sure this is meant to be cheering.

He also posted pictures of their Ford Explorer. It is unbelievably crumpled. She is one lucky woman to be doing as well as she is.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

She is, indeed, awesome. I'm glad she's in your ward. :)

And I'm glad she's at least sitting up. Yikes.