Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sand and Diapers

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . taking my kids to the beach. It was cold, there was traffic, we got home way past nap time, and Anna still has sand in her hair, but somehow it was all worth it to do something fun and different together.

And another thing . . .

. . . I often feel a bit guilty about the dozens of dirty diapers I add to America's landfills each month, but I just haven't been able to stomach the hassle and upfront cost of cloth diapers. Tonight I read an article that made me feel a little bit better. It noted that every kind of diaper has some negative impact on the environment, whether it's trash in landfils or energy spent laundering. In the words of environmental scientist Donella Meadows, "It's great to try to move our lives in the direction of ecological righteousness, but it's also true that every human activity has environmental impact. . . . From the earth's point of view it's not all that important which kind of diapers you use. The important decision was having the baby."

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