Monday, April 15, 2013

Blessings and Vision

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . sharing my testimony in church.

. . . watching a video of the First Vision in Primary.  It was lovely to imagine what it would be like to see our Father and our Savior, and speak to them face to face.

. . . old friends visiting from out of town.

. . . relaxing with my sweetheart and talking about our day.

. . . the sound of rain falling outside tonight.

And another thing . . .

. . . I spoke with a sister at church today who attends the temple every week with her husband and children (three are still at home).  She said their schedules are so diverse that they don't even try to go on a fixed day; she just plans each week's trip as it comes along.  Sometimes she isn't sure how they'll all be able to make it on a given week, but she prays for help and things work out.  She says her family has been blessed immensely since they started worshiping in the temple weekly a few years ago.

I don't know if our circumstances will allow for weekly trips when our kids are old enough to attend the temple, but I definitely want to make a habit of going regularly together.  The temple has brought me such comfort, direction, and clarity over the years, and I want those same blessings for my kids and our family as a whole.

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