Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fondue and a Cold Water Fish

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . admiring the blooms in people's gardens as we walked to and from Joy's school.  I often wonder at the personality behind each yard design--the minimalist yard with just three kinds of  flowers, the drought-hardy yard of succulents (is the owner environmentally conscious, or just a cheapskate who doesn't want to bother watering their yard?), the botanical garden where over a hundred different plants are all labeled, the lady with the mismatched jumble of potted plants she's collected over the years (along with a rescued parrot), and the wee orchard where the lawn is dotted with fruit trees.  What kind of yard will I have someday?

. . . going to The Melting Pot to celebrate two friends having babies soon.  The company was delightful, and the cheese and chocolate fondues were divine.

And another thing . . .

. . . Joy and Daniel asked to go swimming this afternoon.  Last year's swimsuits still fit pretty well, so I let them go in while I supervised from outside the fence.  Daniel soon discovered what I already suspected: unheated pool water is still very chilly in April.  He wouldn't get wet above his ankles, but Joy swam about unperturbed by the cold.

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