Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cookies, Carrots, and Baby Curls

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . .  more heat.  It's supposed to cool down this weekend, though.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . chatting with a friend.

. . . seeing Joy's little carrot sprouts pop up in their planter.

. . . eating cookies.  With chocolate in them.  Mmmm.

And another thing . . .

. . . I got my hair cut today, and considered having Anna's cut, too.  Her hair is getting long and a tad unruly, but I know she'll look older when we cut it and I'll miss those little baby curls at the bottom after they're trimmed off.  She probably won't care either way, but I'm not quite ready for my little girl to look like a big one yet.

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