Saturday, August 31, 2013

No Test Today

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . .  hauling the kids to my doctor appointment for a TB test (required for anyone who wants to help at Daniel's preschool), only to learn that they don't offer the test today and I don't actually need an appointment when the do offer it.  Receptionist fail.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . stepping out of the heat into any place (our car, our apartment, the grocery store) that had air conditioning.

. . . going for a swim as a family.  Joy and Daddy plunged right in, I spent ten minutes easing my way into the pool, and Anna sat on the deck splashing her feet in the water.  Daniel said he jumped in, but that meant he jumped from the deck to the pool's first step.  He never got wet above his waist, but I still had him wear floaties, just in case.

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