Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Early Bird Gets The Radio

I participated in a group garage sale this morning, and I learned a couple things from the friends who organized it. First, you can advertise your upcoming sale on Craig's List. Second, the ideal time to start your sale is the unholy hour of 7:00am. We probably sold more in that first hour than in the next three combined, mostly to professional garage sale shoppers who probably own thrift stores or sell things on ebay.

I am grateful to say that my profits more than compensated for the enormous sacrifice of getting up early. Now, if I can just convince Phillip that we should invest this little windfall in our garden . . .


Jodi Jean said...

wow, good job!!

Serena said...

lol. We use the craig list and ebay all the time, It sure does help with the bills, and Pay for things we like to do.