Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mid-Life Crisis Will Be A Bose

No, not "a bore," a Bose.

I have long been aware that my husband has a much finer ear than I do when it comes to music and audio systems. Tonight as he tried to explain to me why he wants two different sets of high quality earphones because they lend themselves to very different audio situations, I suddenly understood how he feels when I rave that fresh basil is exponentially superior to dried.

I think everyone has something that that we are passionate about, and our loved ones quickly learn to nod and smile even if they never quite grasp why surround sound is crucial for survival or a lemon zester is an absolutely necessary piece of kitchen equipment.


Serena said...

What's cool though is after awhile it's not a bore anymore. After Alex set up his million different sets of speakers we had awesome sound, (better than the theatre). We can also hear from each speaker which part they perform. The kids love it. Philip will love the garden when he has had so many times, then goes somewhere else and realizes, hey, honey your fresh herbs and vegies are soo much better. Lol.

Jodi Jean said...

and that is why i've learned to deal with robby talking about fish incessantly!!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I'll take electronic gizmos over fish any day. :)