Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chard and a Weird Jedi

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . Phillip home late again. Thankfully, this should be the last time for a while, since he's turning in his presentation tonight.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . seeing the little chard seeds sprouting in my container garden.

. . . watching Weird Al's Star Wars Episode I parody over and over with Joy. My favorite line: "And the Jedi I admire most/Met up with Darth Maul, and now he's toast." I also enjoyed the Emperor's impressive piano skills.

And another thing . . .

. . . this morning Joy was writing with a red pencil. She usually writes random letters and occasionally our names, but today she decided to write a word Calvin and Hobbes use when they careen off a ledge in their wagon: "AAAAAAAA."

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