Thursday, February 3, 2011

Smiles and Killer Pot Pies

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . looking at the "nutritional" information on the premade pot pies I bought for dinner, and finding that one contains over 1,000 calories and more than my entire daily allotment of saturated fat. I think I'll climb back in the saddle and cook dinner myself tomorrow.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . watching Joy snooze with Daddy on the couch this evening.

. . . hearing my husband get excited about a chart of firing neurons that he made at the lab today. And about the hot cocoa mix I bought him this morning.

. . . smiling at Joy as she drifted off to sleep this afternoon. I got to wondering how often she sees me smile in my relentless pursuit of domestic order and harmony. I think frequent smiles would communicate even better than words that I love her, and that there is so much to savor in life.


SupaFlowaPowa said...

freaky huh?! the calories I mean... everything is better homemade.. anything made elsewhere just adds tons of butter and other bad stuff. i'm not a calorie counter but i'm very aware of how many calories everything is that goes into my body(and now my husband's) because it all adds up and you have to balance it out. my MIL has a great chicken pot pie recipe, if I get my hands on it next weekend, i'll send over! p.s. i miss hot chocolate!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I usually pay attention to things like that, too, but I admit there are some cases (e.g. with the occasional box of donut holes) where I'd just rather not know. :)