Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Half Enchilada

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . waking up with a leg cramp. It was a mild one, but it kept threatening to turn into a Very Very Bad Cramp if I didn't position my leg just right.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . looking at some intricate, newly-spun little spiderwebs shimmering in the sun out front this morning.

. . . having a friend and her kids over to visit. We tried making homemade cheese, but the milk never curdled (I think we stirred it too much). Oh well--at least we had fun talking while the kids played.

. . . reviewing some of the Prophet's recent talks, and finding that the second one I looked at was precisely what I needed today.

. . . Joy asking to try a chicken enchilada for the first time, and liking it so much that she asked for us to put a whole one on her plate. She only ate part of what we gave her, but I'm still happy to see her branch out and try "grown-up" food, especially when she discovers that she enjoys it.


Science Teacher Mommy said...

Homemade cheese??? You ARE Meg. And awesome. :)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

You flatter me, especially since the stuff never actually set up. :)