Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Don't Kick An Elevator Shaft

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . an unfortunate mishap on my way to a doctor visit. For some reason, when the elevator doors opened the floor of the elevator was still several inches lower than the main floor, so as I stepped toward the lobby my sandaled foot kicked the side of the elevator shaft. Owwwwww. I guess if I'm going to get hurt, the best place to do it is outside a doctor's office.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . watching Phillip give the kids piggyback rides as he waltzed along to the Blue Danube Waltz. After that he lay on the floor and let them climb on his chest and jump off. I can’t imagine enjoying that, but he let them do it over and over, and they loved every minute.

. . . figuring out a way to get three kids to nap in two bedrooms, at least for now.

And another thing . . .

. . . I recently an interesting thought on acting by George C. Scott (who played the title role in the film Patton, among other things): "I think you have to be schizoid three different ways to be an actor. You've got to be three different people. You have to be a human being. Then you have to be the character you're playing. And on top of that you've got to be the guy sitting out there in Row 10, watching yourself and judging yourself. That's why most of us are crazy to start with, or go nuts once we get into it. I mean, don't you think it's a pretty spooky way to earn a living?"

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