Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Voices In My Head

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . my kids breaking out in cheers when I mentioned we would have a sliced pear with lunch. Joy played a celebratory fanfare on the piano, and Daniel gave Mih-mih two kisses. It reminded me of the day Daniel gasped with delight when he discovered we would be having beans with our meal. Just plain beans. I'm glad they enjoy healthy food. Of course, they were also excited about the chicken nuggets, but I thought it was cute that the pear got the bigger reaction.

. . . introducing Anna to the little play mat we bought when Daniel was a baby. It was fun to see her kick her feet excitedly as she gazed at the colorful animals suspended above her. Her siblings were even more intrigued by all the toys, and I bet they'll play with it even more than she does for the first few days.

. . . my mom calling to say how much she enjoyed the post I put on our family blog last night. While I've long since reconciled myself to the fact that my handful of readers prefer to lurk rather than comment, it is encouraging to get a little feedback now and then, and know that my posts are meaningful to someone.

And another thing . . .

. . . as the mother of a newborn, I have an uncanny ability to hear Anna crying before other people do. I also have an uncanny ability to hear her crying even when she’s not actually doing it. I’m so tuned in to catch the very first whimpers that I sometimes think I hear them when Anna is perfectly content or even asleep. It doesn’t help that there is another baby in our building who is just four days older than Anna, so sometimes I really do hear a baby cry; it just isn’t mine.

1 comment:

Siobhan said...

I noticed that happening to me too...Liam's crib is in our room (it being the only bedroom in the place) and sometimes I would wake up, startled, thinking that I heard him cry only to find him sleeping away! Good to know I'm not crazy.