Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Day in the Life

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . hearing Daniel try to say "trapezoid." It came out more like "ong."

And another thing . . .

. . . Sometimes when I get to the end of a day I feel like I've been very busy doing a hundred little things, but I can't remember what any of them are. Today I decided to keep track:

Feed Anna at 5:02am
Put Anna back to bed
Turn on the heater
Feed Anna at 7:36am
Help Daniel out of his crib
Get everyone dressed
Prepare breakfast
Eat breakfast while bouncing on an exercise ball to soothe Anna
Try to persuade Daniel to leave Joy's blocks alone
Fail to persuade Daniel to leave Joy's blocks alone
Shepherd kids out to car
Say a quick morning prayer as I'm walking because I forgot to do it when I woke up
Drop Joy off at preschool
Listen to her teacher tell me Joy has a major aversion to going out in the rain
Discover that the toy bag containing Joy's doll was left at church yesterday
Put Anna to bed
Tidy up front room a bit
Oversee Daniel's speech therapy session
Put bananas in the freezer for future smoothies
Get Anna's next-size-up clothes out of storage
Remove kids' warm weather clothes from dresser drawers
Sort through stuff the hospital sent home with me two months ago
Check email
Forward the upcoming lesson schedule to one of the teachers
Note school vacation days on my calendar
Put a toy out of reach after Daniel chucked it at the wall
Gather plastic bags to recycle
Have a snack with Daniel
Finish yesterday's blog post
Punch holes in some papers for my Relief Society notebook
Research correct bottle nipple size for a two-month-old
Get said two-month-old out of bed
Nurse Anna
Admire Anna's toes
Talk with Daniel about the blocks he's playing with
Glower at messy desk, which is barely visible beneath piles of clutter
Put Daniel in time-out for throwing blocks in Anna's direction (none of them hit her)
Put blocks away
Drop off plastic bags to be recycled
Pick up Joy from school
Talk with her about the fun things she did today
Shepherd the kids inside
Prepare lunch
Say a silent prayer of thanks that Anna was content in her swing the whole time I made lunch
Eat lunch
Put kids down for naps
Prepare a home evening lesson
Check email
Log in to telecommute
Note an email announcing that a coworker brought cream puffs to share at the office
Lament that telecommuters miss out on communal cream puffs
Try to sit with better posture
Text Phillip that I love him
Get a reply text that he loves me, too
Remember Joy running over to hug me at the end of church yesterday
Get a little drowsy
Consider taking nap
Get drowsier
Take nap
Dream I'm hosting a cupcake party
Dream I get a text from one of Herman Cain's harassment accusers (dreams are so random)
Awake to the sound of Joy's Lego airplane crash-landing in the bathroom
Spend the next half hour groggily trying to wake up the rest of the way
Consider waking Anna to nurse
Decide to let her sleep
Color with Joy
Help Daniel out of his crib
Have a snack with the big kids
Make a doctor appointment
Nurse Anna after she wakes up
Try to help the big kids resolve a conflict, with decent success
Begin thawing meat for dinner
Change yet another Anna diaper
Put Joy in time out for bugging Daniel after he and I asked her to stop
Hear Daniel asking to play with Joy a minute later
Get Joy out of time out on condition that she play nicely
Try to figure out why my fed, clean, rested baby is fussing
Offer Daniel a piece of paper to color on; two kids coloring on one page wasn't working
Compliment my kids' colorful pictures
Suggest Joy ask Daniel's permission before coloring on his page; he says no
Bend down with Anna so Joy can kiss her for the tenth time
Bounce Anna a lot
Suggest Daniel ask Joy's permission before coloring on her page; she says she'd prefer he didn't
Tell Joy that Anna wants a break from being kissed
Watch Joy kiss Daniel instead; he screams
Thank Joy for tidying the table a bit
Bounce Anna some more
Nearly trip on Joy's scooter
Recruit Daniel's help cleaning up crayons
Compliment Anna on a nice burp
High five Daniel when we finish with the crayons
Bounce Anna some more
Get a text from Phillip that he'll be home a little late
Pointedly ask Daniel what we color on; he correctly replies "paper"
Take Daniel's pen away because he's still coloring on furniture
Clean spit-up off my sleeve
Put Anna's Moses basket away
Change Daniel's diaper
Tell Joy to give Anna some space
Turn off a faucet someone left slightly on (maybe Joy, maybe me)
Put more wipes in the diaper bag
Read to Joy
Kiss my husband when he arrives home
Hand him Anna
Start preparing dinner
Set up the step stool so Joy can help me press hamburger patties
Set the table
Nurse Anna
Delegate burger grilling and tomato slicing to Phillip
Realize we have no lettuce for the burgers
Change yet another Anna diaper
Put Anna in her swing
Put some books away
Remind the big kids not to jump on my bed
Toast hamburger buns
Burn my finger getting the buns out of the toaster
Give Daniel a nice cup to drink from since he hasn't thrown any dishes lately
Give Anna a goodnight kiss before Phillip puts her to bed
Eat dinner
Compliment Phillip's delicious smoothie
Watch Daniel wind up and pitch his empty cup across the table
Check the cup for damage; none visible
Resolve to give Daniel the cheap cup again for the next month or so
Sit down on the couch for home evening with my family
Hold Daniel on my shoulders during the hymn because Joy's on Daddy's lap as he plays the piano
Teach a home evening lesson
Toss Joy's pool ring around for our activity
Eat the rest of our haunted shack for home evening refreshments
Dress Joy for bed (Daddy took care of Daniel)
Brush Joy's teeth
Have family story time
Help Joy read a verse for family scripture study
Discuss a picture from our big Book of Mormon with Joy
Help Daniel say family prayer
Put Daniel to bed
Remind Daniel how to pull a blanket over him so he doesn't get cold
Plug in the kids' heater
Sing a short Primary song
Tell the kids I love them
Answer one last question from Joy
Close the kids' door
Coordinate calendars with Phillip
Discuss possible family reunion plans while Phillip does the dishes (it's my turn tomorrow)
Talk about a panel discussion Phillip attended last week
Discuss future career ideas
Talk about how his PhD research is progressing
Plan my day tomorrow
Change into pajamas and brush teeth
Look through some papers I brought home from Joy's preschool
Finally put those hole-punched papers in my RS binder
Put an outdated paper in the shredder pile
Set two alarms on my cell phone for tomorrow
Pray with Phillip before he falls asleep
Study for tomorrow's local election
Publish this post
Remove contact lenses
Do a few yoga stretches
Fall asleep


Siobhan said...

Okay, my two thoughts as I read your list:

1. Isn't it crazy how busy we really are when we sit down to think about it?

2. Wow. Anna sure sleeps a lot more and eats a lot less than Liam did at that age (and at this age too).

I do hope that she's loses the random fussiness though. That's no fun.

Phillip said...

That's an impressive list!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Even I'm amazed at how long the list was.

I think Anna was fussy because she was tired. We're still transitioning after the time change.