Monday, September 19, 2011

Manna, Fro Yo, and Entomophagy

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . going for a walk with the kids. It was good to get some fresh air and a change of scene.

. . . churning my latest batch of homemade yogurt (which turned out very well - the thermos works much better than the crockpot) into vanilla frozen yogurt. Yum.

And another thing . . .

. . . today I read about a growing trend in developed countries (most other parts of the world have been doing it for millennia). It's called entomophagy--or in other words, eating insects. Sure they’re high in protein and easier to farm than cattle, but I would have a really, really hard time making myself eat something with a thorax.

. . . in Sunday school today, I got to thinking about the manna God fed the Israelites in the wilderness. Manna was delicious, miraculous food (Exodus 16: 14-15, 31) that sustained them year after year, but since they ate it all day every day they soon grew tired of it and forgot to appreciate it (Numbers 11:4-6). I experience the same phenomenon with my kids. They are sweet and wonderful, and I’m blessed to have them in my life, but since I spend so many hours with them every single day it’s easy to forget how lucky I am.

1 comment:

Siobhan said...

I can relate to this. I find that I value my time with Liam so much more now that I am working again, whereas when I was on maternity leave, I often was just holding out until Mikey came home and could take him for a little bit. That said, I do sometimes miss the days when I got to see him all day.