Sunday, September 11, 2011

Milk Maid Meditation

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . waking up super tired this morning. It was partly my fault for staying up a little late, and partly Anna's fault for waking me up so many times then getting up early.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . cuddling Anna and calling her "Milk Maid."

. . . folding and stuffing programs for church tomorrow with my husband (he's handling them for a clerk who's out of town). It's a fitting activity for the week of our anniversary, since that is essentially how we met: folding and stuffing programs in a singles ward, where Phillip was Sunday School president and I was ward librarian.

And another thing . . .

. . . both the big kids are currently obsessed with a certain toy. They often play with it together, and I have mixed emotions whenever I see them doing that. On the one hand, it's great that they're learning to cooperate. On the other hand, it's only a matter of time before things go awry, and there is no real way for me to tell who was responsible (and therefore who I should discipline or assist). So much of their playtime is like that--a perpetual teeter-totter of camaraderie and conflict.

. . . remember those breathing exercises you learned in childbirth class? I don't think I've ever used them while I was in labor, but lately I'm using them a lot when I feed Anna. The first minute or so after she latches on is just not fun (especially if Joy chooses that precise moment to start peppering me with questions).

. . . Google's spellchecker is just weird sometimes. It didn't recognize "Anna's" so I checked to see what alternatives it suggested. It proposed Ana's, Anni's, and Ania's, but not Anna's. Srsly?

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