Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcoming Mih-Mih

It's fitting that my 600th Bluestocking post should be about something special.

The most memorable things about this weekend have included . . .

. . . the arrival of my baby daughter, Anna.

. . . all the help we've received from family and friends.

. . . cuddling my new baby, and hearing her little baby sounds.

. . . hugging my kids when I got home, and seeing them be excited about their new sister (I hope that lasts). Joy loves to kiss her cheek, and Daniel keeps cheerfully pointing at baby things and saying "Mih-mih" (his word for "Anna").

. . . watching my husband's tender smile as he holds our little baby.

And another thing . . .

. . . of course, it isn't all precious moments. I was tired as heck this morning, and I'm still not sure how I'm going to integrate the needs of our little girl into our busy life, but I'm sure I'll figure it out, bit by bit. I managed the first two times, and countless moms have adapted to a third child before me.

. . . they say if you latch your baby on correctly, nursing shouldn't hurt. Either that is bunk, or I've just never learned to do it right. At any rate, nursing really hurts the first week or two, and this time is no exception. Sigh. . . [wince!].


Science Teacher Mommy said...


Cathy said...

I too hope that Daniel and Joy continue being enthusiastic about the new one. Welcome Anna! You've been born into a lovely family.

And Kim, even though nursing hurts for you, at least you can successfully feed a baby. I give mine what I can but also know they'd starve without formula. And after a month or two, they start rejecting nursing because it isn't as easy as a bottle, and all of that hurts in a different way. I never thought my parenting experience would include the strangeness of accepting donated breastmilk from a friend for Morgan, or all of the struggles to find the right kind of formula. Count your blessings. And I'm not saying "pity me", I'm just trying to give you something to think of when it hurts.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Every time I'm tempted to complain about something related to pregnancy, parenting, life in general, it's only a matter of time before I remember someone with bigger challenges than I have.

It doesn't take away the pain, but it does put it in perspective to recall that someone would gladly trade with me.

Siobhan said...

I think the whole "nursing shouldn't hurt" is bunk. It doesn't hurt all of the time, but after two months of nursing, I've noticed that there are times when all signs point to a proper latch and it still hurts. I think I've just accepted that it's part of the training to be selfless when it comes to your kids. But sometimes I'll try a re-latch just in case. Congratulations on the little one! <3

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

I agree that a good latch helps, but doesn't guarantee lack of pain. Unfortunately, Anna and I sometimes disagree on what constitutes a good latch. I reattached her about ten times this evening because she kept shifting to a spot that really hurt.

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Congrats, Kim! So glad she's here! :)