Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Sister's Wedding.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . watching my sister be married in the temple today. Outside the temple she and Sean were their usual cheerful, slightly zany selves, but as they knelt across the altar in the sealing room you could see that they took the covenant they were making very seriously. The solemn power of the moment took my breath away. It was awesome to realize that two people who had been single up til that moment can now be a family for eternity.

. . . watching Joy revel in the happiness of family gathered for such a wonderful occasion.

. . . spending more time with my cousins who live afar off.

And another thing . . .

. . . while the Lord never intended us to live in monasteries or convents, after today's temple experience I can understand the appeal of them. It's so easy to be happy, loving, reverent, and at peace in the temple, and it would be wonderful to feel that way all the time. On the other hand, we're here in mortality to learn and grow, and we do that best when we face challenges and overcome them. While I can't live at the temple full-time, I'm glad I can at least visit now and then to recharge my spiritual batteries and get a clearer perspective.

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