Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Noise and Quiet

Today's not-so-favorite moments included . . .

. . . Child A pushed Child B down. Child B started to cry. I sent Child A to their room. Child A started to cry. Child B started to cry louder. Sigh.

Today's favorite moments included . . .

. . . going to our playdate/parenting class this morning. It's a nice change of pace for all of us--the kids get to play with other kids and different toys in a different setting, and I get to talk with other moms. Song time and snack time are also perks for all parties.

. . . making good chili with several freeze-dried foods (ground beef, celery, bell pepper, tomato powder) from Shelf Reliance. I've been wanting to add variety to our food storage (you can only eat so much rice and beans), but most canned meats and produce aren't that great. After tonight's success, I definitely plan to try more of SR's meat and veggies (and heck, maybe even some of their TVP). Assuming they are as good as the things we tried tonight, I'll buy more to slowly flesh out our food storage.

. . . watching Daniel contentedly explore random things in our home. It's fun to watch our kids laugh it up and have a great time together, but I'm glad they also have quiet times when they can just be themselves and do their own thing.

And another thing . . .

. . . lately Daniel has decided that he really, really likes me to pick him up and carry him around. Dude, why did you wait until you weighed 32 pounds to decide you were a barnacle?

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